How to travel to Saariselkä
Here, you’ll find easy and convenient information on how to get to Saariselkä and how to travel from the accommodation to the village.
By own car
You can find a private parking place in our destinations.
Bus connection from Ivalo Airport
It takes 30 minutes from Airport to Saariselkä. The nearest bus stop (Suopunkitie) is only 100m from the Laplandway destinations.
Rental car from airport
A rented car makes your adventures easier. Several car rental companies are located at the airport. Some of them are open only by prior reservation, so make sure to check the opening times and other information in the car rental companies’ websites.
Bus connection from Rovaniemi Airport
There are good bus connections from Rovanieni airport to Saariselkä. The journey takes approximately 3,5 hours.
Bus connection from Rovaniemi railway station
There are good bus connections from Rovanieni railway station to Saariselkä. The journey takes approximately 3,5 hours.
Night train
Travel between the south and the north safely in your own cabin.
Ski bus in the Saariselkä village
Easy way to get around Saariselkä without own car.
Walking around
In the village of Saariselkä, everything is close by. From the Laplandway property, it’s a 5-10 minute walk to the village center. For example, it’s 900 meters to the grocery store, less than 200 meters to the ski trails, 1.5 kilometers to the ski slopes, and 0.5-3 kilometers to various activities.
Maps to find your destination
Still wondering what to do in Saariselkä?
How to travel to Ylläs
Here, you’ll find easy and convenient information on how to get to Ylläs and how to travel from the accommodation to the village.
By own car
You can find a private parking place in our destinations.
Bus connection from Kittilä Airport
It takes approximately 45 minutes from Kittilä airport to Ylläs. Check the nearest bus stop beforehand.
Rental car from Kittilä airport
A rented car makes your adventures easier. Several car rental companies are located at the airport. Some of them are open only by prior reservation, so make sure to check the opening times and other information in the car rental companies’ websites.
Bus connection from Rovaniemi airport to Kittilä
The best way to travel from Rovaniemi to Ylläs is to get a bus Rovaniemi-Kittilä Airport and from the airport bus to Ylläs.
Bus connection from Kolari railway station
Night train to Lapland
Travel between the south and the north safely in your own cabin.
Walking around
In the village of Äkäslompolo, everything is close by. From the Laplandway property, it’s a 10-15 minute walk to the village center. For example, it’s 1-2kilometers to the grocery store, less than 500 meters to the ski trails and 0.5-3 kilometers to various activities.
Ski bus in the Ylläs area
Easy way to get around Ylläs without own car.
Maps to find your destination
Still wondering what to do in Ylläs?